Night Landscape, Placerville, CA

May 7: This has perhaps been my best stop for painting so far. A short drive, three full days in one place, limited mobility, and nice family are all contributing factors. I've done a flower painting, some spontaneous tree scenes, an edgy night scene, and a misty landscape with good local flavor. Both Carla and Jim liked the thought of the last one for their host gift. Lydia inspired the flower painting, but it wasn't one of her favorites. Jacob strongly preferred, as I imagined he would, the night scene.

In fact, I painted it with him in mind, after I saw his response to the Austin night scenes. It may not be the best painting I've done on this trip so far, but it's the one that most directly expresses something of what I would call the dark poetry of the soul. It's remarkable that he sees that, and cares about it.