Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the IAP!
New York to California, Sept-Dec 2015
"Art for hospitality across the USA"
HOSTS WANTED: Open call for hosts, particularly in California, the Mountain States, Southwest, and Midwest. If you are interested but not on the route, contact me anyway: I may travel your way on a future tour.
PRESENTATIONS: Scheduling Itinerant Artist Project presentations for college and university art classes, art centers, etc. along the way
PLEASE SHARE THIS: Please pass this info to your friends and contacts. Apart from hosting, you can support the Itinerant Artist Project by sharing this with anyone interested in art, ideas, adventure, community, cultural activism.
CONTACT JIM MOTT: .. jhmott @ juno . com
[no spaces]
ADDITIONAL BASIC INFO: 21st century itinerant painter, Jim Mott, is seeking hosts and scheduling speaking venues for his 2015 cross-country painting tour, his 15th tour since he started the Itinerant Artist Project (IAP) in 2000.
Dates are late September through November 2015. Route will be determined by selected hosts. Hosts receive a small landscape painting done on site for 2-3 days' room and board. See links at right for more detailed info. See the jimmott.com home page for portfolios, news, and more.
Landscape artist Jim Mott has taken it upon himself to redefine the nature of art, travel, money, and hospitality in an age increasingly defined by individual insularity.
- Christian Science Monitor
There is gift-exchange in my life, to be sure, but even I have never had the nerve to try an experiment as full as the one you undertook.
- Lewis Hyde, author of The Gift
You are perfectly right about landscapes being OK in the post-historical phase of art. But somehow more in the spirit of the times is your project of itinerancy, which has a performance dimension.
-Arthur Danto, philosopher and art critic
Jim is redefining painting as a civil discourse that is intentionally situated in a community setting and mediated through his act of painting place. His skill as a plein air painter affords him a direct and unencumbered relationship with the public, creating a space where meaningful dialogue about place and belonging can occur.
- Paul Bartow, Advisor to Mildred's Lane, Contemporary Art Complexity
At a time when the visual arts seem to be overtaken by the flat screen, Mott's active engagement with paint and people renews the deep connection between the artist and our surroundings.
- Marjorie Searl, former Chief Curator Memorial Art Gallery
If anyone represents the ideal of what it should mean to be an artist right now, it's Jim Mott.
- Dave Dorsey, Represent weblog

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