This project depends on the participation of others. You can participate by telling people about it, becoming a host or contacting me with any thoughts or feedback.
Financial or in-kind support for the Itinerant Artist Project helps to keep this innovative project on the road. Please contact me to discuss contributions, commissions, or patronage.
You can support a meaningful vocation and a culturally significant project by becoming a patron. Even modest patronage will have a dynamic and sustaining influence on my art and outreach projects.
Historically, artists and the arts have been able to thrive when individuals with sufficient vision and means take an interest in particular artists, supporting artwork they find worthwhile through purchases, commissions, or private grants. With declining public funding for the arts, it is time for a revival of art patronage.
A 21st century patron is a meaningful partner in the creative enterprise, helping to advance an artistic vision. As a patron, you also have unique access to the artist and the art.
Email: jhmott @ juno . com (no spaces)

Blue Sunset, oil on panel 5" x 8"